Conveyancing and Real Estate

Conveyancing and Real Estate
We provide comprehensive legal services in all types of conveyancing and real estate transactions to retail clients, corporations, statutory boards, financial institutions involving residential, commercial and industrial properties.
We service private individuals and corporations in the sale and purchase of real estate, financial institutions in mortgage transactions and the Central Provident Fund Board in transactions involving the withdrawal or refund of CPF savings by members for the sale and purchase of real estate, property developers in the sale and purchase of residential, commercial and industrial developments. We have also acted for corporations, statutory boards and private individuals in the leasing of commercial, industrial and private residential properties.
We have extensive experience advising and acting for management corporations in relation to all types of property related matters and transactions under the Land Titles (Strata) Act (Cap. 157) and the Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act (Act 47 of 2004) and have advised and acted for subsidiary proprietors in strata title properties in collective or en-bloc sales transactions.
Scope of services
• Sale and Purchase of residential, commercial and industrial properties
• Mortgages
• Leases and tenancies
• Property development including joint ventures, build-and-lease schemes, construction projects, related financing and other arrangements
• Management Corporations
• Collective or en-bloc sales
• Property subdivisions and strata schemes
• CPF transactions
Pamela Chong
Head of Conveyancing and Real Estate
DID: (65) 6389 9166
Fax: (65) 6323 6788
Carolyn Yasmin Ng
DID: (65) 6389 9165
Fax: (65) 6323 6788
Gerald Chong
Associate Director
DID: (65) 6389 9168
Fax: (65) 6323 6788
Management Corporation (Strata Title) matters
We have an established reputation in the specialised area of advising management corporations in the interpretation and working of the Land Titles (Strata) Act, the Building and Management (Strata Maintenance) Act and related legislation. Having advised more than 100 management corporations over more than 15 years, we have gained extensive practical experience and know-how in this niche area, including:
• Building defects
• Restraint of encroachment of common property
• Recovery of Arrears to Management and Sinking Funds by lodgement of Charge, private Summons and Writ of Summons, execution by garnishees proceedings, Writ of Seizure and Sale, bankruptcy, companies’ winding-up, examination of Judgement debtors, enforcement of Small Claims Tribunal Orders
• Drafting and advising on Contracts concerning car-park, lifts, air-conditionings, repainting, warranties, cleaning, securities, renovations
• Handing over by Managing Agents and Developers
• Drafting resolutions and By-laws
• Dealing with breaches of By-laws
• Attending Council Meetings and General Meetings and advising thereon
• Preparing agreement on change of use
• Restriction on change of use
• En- bloc sale
• Purchase and Sale of common property
• Use of common property
• Easement rights
• Environmental fines and statutory offences
• Appointment of managing agents and auditors
• Insurance claims
• Representation to and hearings before the Strata Titles Board
Leo Cheng Suan
Head of Litigation
DID: (65) 6389 9163
Fax: (65) 6224 2607
Building and Construction
We have an active practice in Building and Construction matters, covering the essential areas of building and construction work, from drafting, general advice and litigation on agreement, documentation, certifications, extension of time delays and liquidated damages, variations, sub-contractors’ completion, negligence, performance bond, insurance and building defects.
We work in tandem with related building professionals including architects, engineers, chartered building surveyors, land surveyors, quantity surveyors and others to give our clients the multi-disciplinary cutting edge in legal solutions.
We have acted for contractors, developers, hotel owners, homeowners, management corporations, architects, and surveyors on various aspects of building and construction agreements, defects and rectification works.
Our experience extends across litigation, arbitration, and mediation in this area.
Leo Cheng Suan
Head of Litigation
DID: (65) 6389 9163
Fax: (65) 6224 2607